October 31

I am going to attempt to scare you this Halloween with...

way too many pictures!

Even when we do low-key Halloween, it's still so much fun that I inevitably end up with a lot of pictures to share.

We had a busy day planned, but rain all night and all morning meant that our morning plans were cancelled. Score! Instead, we hung out around the house. It was just what we all needed. At one point, I was in the kitchen and Caleb yelled from the living room, "Hey Mommy! You need to take a picture of this!"
He didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed my camera and came running to find my older three lying on the ground together, snuggled up and smiling.
How cute are they?
(note: Caleb's green "eyebrows" that he wore home from school yesterday, and Lily's completely unnecessary Star Wars bandaid on her cheek.)

I ran back into the kitchen to grab Eli because, why not? I love my four silly duckies!

Then I went grocery shopping. In addition to my two normal stores, I also had to pick up some face paint for Caleb's costume. Nearly two weeks ago, he asked if he could have a skeleton hat for his costume.
Do those exist? I don't think so. So I told him no.
Then he asked for a skeleton mask. I didn't want to buy that, so I told him no again.
I felt bad, though, so I told him I would give him skeleton makeup. 

Last weekend, he asked for the makeup for his Trick or Trunk. We didn't have time, so I said no.
He asked for it again for Daisy's Trunk or Treat. I said no again.
He asked for it last night. Still no.

So I knew - I knew! - that I had to do the makeup today. The only problem was that I had neglected to purchase any. Oops. I thought it would be an easy find at the Dollar Tree or Walgreens, but I was wrong. 3 stops and 1 hour later, I finally found some at the Halloween store. I waited in line for 15 minutes just to pay for it.

But when I came home and put the makeup on Caleb, he was so happy.
It was worth the effort.

Lily added the tutu to her costume and refused face paint. I love that she has specific ideas about what she wants to wear!

I wasn't sure whether Daisy would want the makeup or not, but she was totally into it. She watched some YouTube tutorials with me, and was very patient as I painted her face.

While I applied makeup, Chris took these pictures of Eli playing with a baseball.

He is so funny!

And Daisy and I continued to work on her face.


She was really happy with it!

Caleb looks sad and bored in these pictures, but half of it is the makeup. The other half, I think, is that he really gets into character when he dresses up. My guess is that he thinks skeletons are bored and sad, so that's how he acted. He was really serious about this ensemble; he even thought twice about wearing the glow necklaces because he thought they covered up his outfit. 

Skeleton gloves from  Grandmother to go with the skeleton shoes from Grace. (The shoes are way too small, but he didn't complain at all. He is willing to sacrifice for fashion!)

Our four little skeletons!

Do you remember our skeleton picture from last year?
It's so funny to think about how much has changed in one year! Last year, I was 22 weeks pregnant with Eli. Now he's 9 months old and wearing the skeleton outfit that Caleb wore for his first Halloween! (It is much too small, but the legs were the only area where it was noticeable. We just put a pair of long black socks on him and called it good.)

Oh, goodness. Is Lily the cutest thing ever, or what?

OK, he's pretty cute, too!

The rain stopped long enough for us to walk down to the neighborhood party. We had hot dogs, played some games, and ate some candy, then trick-or-treated our way back home. When the rain stared falling again, I took Eli and my camera and headed home to wait for trick-or-treaters.

They never came.

Instead, Eli and I helped ourselves to the candy.

Kid doesn't even know what candy tastes like, but he knows he wants some.

Mmm.... Candy!

Ha! You wish you could eat it, baby!

Then Chris and the kids came home. We hung out, played, watched the World Series... And Eli played the piano.

Seriously! Eli was really engaged in his piano-playing, and it was adorable. I have video of it, but it is 11:15 and I am done.

1 comment:

  1. Those laying on the floor pictures are completely adorable! Daisy, her smile??? EEEEEEE

    ok the skeletons turned out awesome!! Good job with the face painting, wow! :)
