October 21

Another hectic day. I'm starting to realize that this is our new normal. Most of the chaos didn't happen until the evening, though. Caleb had his first "real" soccer game tonight. He's part of an instructional league, so on Saturdays they spend half of their time learning and practicing skills, and the other half playing 3-on-3 games on 1/3 fields. 

Tonight, he got to play 8-on-8 on a full field.

Exciting stuff. 

But the game was at 5:30, and we had to be there at 5:15, and Chris usually gets home from work after 5 and we eat dinner at 5. Plus, I had a massage/Reiki appointment scheduled at 6. Yikes.

So I spent my afternoon making dinner so that it was ready when Caleb got off the bus at 4:30. The kids ate, I pumped, then I scrambled to get everyone and everything ready. Chris got home, we loaded into cars... whew!

Chris helps coach Caleb's team, so he was busy the whole game. But I had to leave at 5:45. Thankfully, my parents came to the game, too, and they didn't even blink an eye when I said, "Oh, by the way, I have to leave can you watch my kids thank you very much."
I felt like a total flake. Didn't plan that well at all. But Mom and Dad were gracious and helpful and it all went well.

But you want to see pictures, right?
Eli is totally ready to play soccer. He just needs to learn to walk first!
Actually, do you see Daisy behind him? She was asking, "Mommy, why are some kids' sisters on the field? Do sisters get to play?"
Guess we'll have to sign her up next year, too!

This kid. This was the first time I was ever able to watch him play. 
He knew just what to do!

Isn't he cool in those shades?
I was shocked at how happy, comfortable, confident, and engaged he was. I rarely use those words to describe Caleb, but they fit tonight. I was so proud of him.

My sweet boy!

Kicking the ball to Coach Daddy.
(side note: Chris confessed to me this weekend that, because he volunteered to help out with coaching, people now think he knows what's going on. Really, he has no clue. Really, he hates soccer. It is one of his least favorite sports, and he hasn't played it since he was in third grade. But everyone here thinks he knows what's up. Hilarious!)

Lily was excited by all of the running, and by the fact that Grandma and Grandpa were there, so she started running, too.

This is the second picture this week that Daisy has ruined with a weird face. But whatever. I like it. I like that she is snuggling with her Grandma. So the picture stays.

The soccer fields are surrounded by trees, and it is just lovely.
You can see Caleb in the orange pinnie (is that really how that's spelled?), directly in front of the random man in the white dress shirt. Run Caleb, run!

He's in the center of this image, to the right of the boy in the green, with his back toward the camera.

Break; time for Coach Daddy to tie Caleb's shoe.

I had to leave, so I fitted my mom with the ring sling. Mom will probably complain about this picture, but I think it is the most beautiful thing ever. I love how the blue sling brings out her eyes, I love the light, I love how comfortable Eli is on his Grandma's chest, I love the contentment in Mom's eyes. 
It is perfect.

Happy Grandma.
Happy baby.
Happy me.

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