October 7

Today was a seriously jam-packed day. It started at 7:45, when a home builder Chris knows came by to measure our front door for replacement. That's been on our to-do list for at least three years, and it looks like it may actually happen this fall. Hooray!
As soon as Roy left, Chris headed to work. It was a late start day for Caleb. so we had the whole morning to fill. It also happens to be International Babywearing Week, and our local babywearing group had a zoo day planned. I have not been up for major activities lately, but at the last minute I decided I could handle a short trip to the zoo. So I loaded all four kids into the van, and off we went!

Except that I forgot Caleb's backpack and lunch bag, so I had to turn around and get that. But then we were off!

It was actually really freeing to know that we only had an hour for our zoo trip. It meant that I felt no pressure to see all - or even most - of the animals, and I didn't need to worry about packing lunches for everyone.

We arrived at the zoo at 9:15, just in time to enjoy the free hour. First up: carousel.

Lily chose to ride on the bench. Don't mind her solemn expression; she was actually very happy. Also, I love the polar bear photo bomb!

Caleb and Daisy both felt brave and chose to ride animals that moved up and down. They are really growing up!

Eli, meanwhile, was happy on my back. 

They really wanted to do this. Lily didn't get what was supposed to be happening.

Then we went on to the Children's Zoo. Daisy was desperate to meet up with her old friend, Goaty the Goat Who Loves All Goats.

Found him! Lily gave Goaty a good brush.

Then she and Goaty had a good laugh. Perhaps they were laughing about Goaty's second head? Weird.

And that was pretty much all we had time for. We passed a wooded trail on our way in to the zoo, and Caleb really wanted to explore it. The kids chose to leave the zoo a few minutes early to make that happen.
But first, we stopped by the elephant fountain.
I was really close to unwrapping Eli and letting him be in the picture, too, but I didn't have a spotter and I don't entirely trust any of the kids to hold him quite yet.

At the top of the trail, the kids found this "tree fort", and they were very, very happy.

And Eli was out cold. That looks pretty uncomfortable, but he only stayed that way for about five minutes. We loaded into the van, and got Caleb to school right on time. In fact, his school bus pulled up just ahead of us, unloading all of our neighbors. Awesome!

The little ones and I headed home for lunch and naps, and then Chris' mom came over. She played with Daisy while Lily napped, and Chris, Eli, and I went to a door wholesaler to pick out a new front door.

Eli slept the whole time.

After the door-picking, Chris and I headed separate ways. He took Eli home, while I headed to my doctor. I've been dealing with some postpartum depression lately, and I finally decided it was time to see my doctor about it. She was very helpful, and I think we have a good plan of attack in place.

The appointment ran late, though, and I got home just in time to take over so that Chris and Caleb could go up to the Lego Store for a free mini-build. While the boys were gone, I went through Caleb's backpack and found this:
School pictures are back! Is he handsome, or what? Goodness, I love that boy.

And now they are all asleep, and I am beat.

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