October 6

Eli did not sleep well last night, which meant I didn't sleep well. 
Most mornings, Chris wakes me when he leaves for work at 7, and I sneak out of bed while Eli sleeps until 8 or 8:15. Lily usually sleeps until 7:30 or 7:45, which means that I get at least half an hour with just Caleb and Daisy. They know enough to leave Mama Bear alone until she's had her coffee, so really I get a solid thirty minutes to wake up, enjoy my coffee, and pump.

This morning, not so much. Not only was Eli a jerk about sleeping during the night, but he also decided he didn't want that extra hour of sleep. And as I carried him down the hall, I heard Lily crying in her room.


All four to contend with, and no coffee in my system.
It was that kind of morning, and everything was slow and awful. Caleb had school, Daisy had preschool, and the little ones and I were supposed to meet friends at a park right after I dropped Daisy off. But five minutes before we needed to leave to get Caleb on the bus, I was still in my jammies, neither Lily nor I had eaten breakfast, and Caleb's lunch wasn't even packed. 
That kind of morning.
I made the executive decision to drive Caleb to school, which bought me an extra 30 minutes, and it was just enough. We dropped Caleb off, dropped Daisy off, ran back to the house so I could swap my sweater for a t-shirt, and were ready to head to our playdate when I got a text from my friend: her car battery was dead, and she couldn't meet us.

I suppose it was just as well; Lily has a cold, and early-riser Eli was ready for his morning nap. So we headed inside, where I put Lily in front of Sesame Street and got to work putting Eli down for his nap. Once he was asleep, Lily and I were free to play. We spent the whole morning outside, and it was lovely.

I happened to have my phone when I put Eli down, so I snapped a picture. My sweet boy prefers to roll over onto his tummy or side to sleep.

Since Caleb and Daisy were at school, Lily got to try out their swings. She was so excited!

My sweet girl. I am thankful for the morning we spent together.

Soon enough, Eli woke up and it was time to get Daisy from school. It was so nice out that we chose to eat lunch outside.

Even Eli enjoyed lunch outside! He really liked the ham. See some of it still on his face?

Mmm. Applesauce.


Lily took this picture of me. I was holding/supporting the camera while she snapped away, so I suppose I helped. What is with that vein down the middle of my forehead? So weird.

While the little ones napped, Daisy and I decided to have a cup of afternoon tea. But tea without cookies is pointless, so we made some snickerdoodles.
This was definitely the best part of my day. Daisy really enjoyed her lemon zinger tea, too.

Tonight was McTeacher night at McDonald's, so we planned to go there for dinner. I know. McDonald's. Ugh. But I am so thankful that we have reached the point where Daisy can tolerate it. And Caleb was beyond excited, so it was worth it to me.

Four little duckies!

Chris met us there on his way home from work. They're all saying, "Cheeseburger!"
And then I hopped in Chris' car and drove off for a massage and chiropractor appointment. I came home just as the kids were ready for bed, and it was lovely.

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