October 1

As the kids got ready for school this morning, I gave them a pep talk about their wardrobes.
I warned them that it is now officially fall, and the weather is getting cooler, so it may no longer be appropriate for shorts and tanks. I told them that soon I would be putting away their summer clothes and pulling all of their winter clothes out. I suggested that they might like cardigans/hoodies/pants.

They didn't listen.

Then we walked Caleb to the bus stop, and I admit that I giggled to myself a little bit. Not that I like watching my children suffer, but they do need the occasional reminder that Mama Is Always Right.

Then Caleb got on the bus, we went home, Daisy put on tights and Lily got a hoodie, we took Daisy to preschool, and the younger two went with me to MOPS.

Eli was off his routine a bit this morning, and he woke up for the morning at 6:45, instead of 8:00. That meant that he was yawning on the way to MOPS, but I knew there was no way he'd nap in childcare. So instead of getting that precious time away from him, I wrapped him on my back and let him snooze there during the meeting. He actually did quite well!

Then it was home and time for lunch and more naps. Eli and Lily both took good naps, and while they slept, Daisy asked if we could bake something. I agreed, and she decided it should be a chocolate pie.

My mom picked up this little wooden rolling pin for the kids a few weeks ago, and Daisy was so excited to use it for our crust! She was also excited to surprise Caleb with a pie when he got home from school.

We got home from the bus stop right as the oven timer was going off, so I quickly set Eli on the ground so that I could pull the pie out of the oven.

When I turned around to scoop him back up, I found Caleb right there, singing a little song to his brother. My heart literally melted out of my chest. It was a mess.
Okay, maybe not. But it could have.

Look at the love and joy on Caleb's face. It makes this mama's heart so very happy.

Meanwhile, Eli's thinking, "Do you see this, Ma? He's playing with me! And singing to me! THIS IS AWESOME!!!"

I love these boys.

Later, my mom came over to stay with the kiddos so that Chris and I could go to Caleb's parent/teacher conference together. Caleb is doing well in school; excelling in reading and behavior, doing well in math and spelling, and still struggling a bit with the writing. We have a few concerns to look into, but overall it was a really great meeting. 

Then we went home and ate chocolate pie. 

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