April 27

Do-Nothing Monday with a broken leg is really a do-nothing Monday. The girls are getting cabin fever, though, and it's hard. I can't go outside and play with them because it involves too much standing and walking. I can't take them anywhere for the same reason. We can only read so many books and watch so much TV before they just start bickering. 

Today, the bickering kicked in around 9:45 am. Unfortunately, an intense pain in my leg kicked in around 9:15. All it took was the activity involved in making breakfast and packing Caleb's lunch to make it hurt, which is discouraging. So with a hurting leg and screaming, hair-pulling girls, I was about to lose it. I begged Chris to come home, but he had meetings all day. Finally, in a moment of divine clarity, I remembered a sign a friend had posted on Instagram a few weeks ago. It was rules for raising happy children, and one that stood out to me was, "If they're crabby, put them in water."


It was sheer brilliance. Absolutely divinely inspired. Just the act of putting on their swimsuits and being allowed to dump every single bath toy into the water changed their attitudes completely. The bathtub bit bought me 45 glorious minutes of peace. With Eli wrapped to my chest, I sat on the (closed) toilet and relaxed while the girls played. Soon enough it was (early) lunch time and (early) nap time, and sanity was once again within my grasp.

Especially when nap time looked like this:
I'm starting to pull out the 3-6 month clothes, and I have such fond memories of some of them! I clearly remember Caleb wearing this "Skater Pup" onesie, and I even have a favorite picture  of him in it. If it weren't so late, I'd dig it up. Instead, I'm going to bed.

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