April 20

My first day on my own with three children and a broken leg went surprisingly well! Our neighbor, Mary, picked Caleb up and walked him to the bus stop, and another neighbor met Caleb at the bus and walked him home for me. A MOPS friend brought dinner, and both girls napped for about 3 hours each. Aside from the fact that my throat has suddenly started to hurt, I call it a good day!

I just realized today how absurdly long Eli's eyelashes have gotten. It seems like he will have coloring more like Daisy and Lily, instead of like Chris or me. But he still has those long, long eyelashes! (He also has a little scratch on his nose from one of his fingernails.)

There's one of his half smiles,

And a sweet baby laugh!

More smiles. I realize none of these are great pictures, but I just don't care. He is so sweet. Eli has reached the stage where he will stop nursing just to smile at me, and I love it. That's probably my favorite little-baby milestone.

Then there's sweet Lily, who hit 21 months yesterday. She may not officially be two years old, but she certainly has the temperamental two-year-old attitude! She also loves that sparkly leotard.

More Eli smiles!

And a brother and sister shot. Aren't they darling?

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