April 12

This is an awful picture of Eli, and I don't even care.

Why don't I care?

Because today was the kind of day where I called our doctor about urgent medical issues not once, but twice. I called in the morning about Daisy, who seems to have some sort of an infection, and then I called an hour ago about Eli, who is currently running a fever of about 100.6.

That's right; it was a two-doctor-phone-call day.
And I have a cold with a nasty cough.
And allergies.

I am so done with sickness. It seems like a plague cloud has descended upon our house and it's just not leaving. Boo, I say. Boo!

But the good news is that Daisy stopped complaining about her issues, and I have some simple methods to help her if it starts bothering her again. 
Also good news is that Eli is old enough that I don't need to freak out about his low-grade fever. If he were just a few weeks younger, it would be a serious issue. But our doctor thinks he probably just got the same sickness that everyone  else has, so we're fine.

Also, Chris and Caleb went hiking while the girls napped this afternoon, and had so much fun. Chris sent me this picture:
I'm pretty sure it's the best picture ever because 
1. Look at how happy Caleb is!
2. It looks like the monster on Caleb's shirt is a photobomber. It just makes me laugh.

So. I'm taking my sore throat and feverish baby to bed. Let's pray that tomorrow is better. At least it's a do-nothing Monday. Can't beat that.

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