April 11

Eli is hungry, so this needs to be brief.

"Hungry Eli" is a recurring theme today; I took this video while I was attempting to make dinner:

Also while I was attempting to make dinner, Caleb wandered into the kitchen singing a line from Tom Petty's "Freefallin'." We had heard it this morning on our way to the grocery store (that's right, I took all four kids to the grocery store on a Saturday morning. Do I win a special merit badge for that?), and I guess it was stuck in his head.

Now, I love that song, so I had to encourage him for singing it. I found the video on YouTube (go ahead and take a break to watch the video, in all of its circa 1989 greatness), and we had a family dance party.

Lily insisted that Chris pick her up and dance with her.
(They were all in jammies because they got filthy playing in the sandbox, so Chris gave them baths before dinner.)

Daisy, meanwhile, did some interpretive dance on her own.

Then she  busted out the ukulele to play along to the song.

It was great.
But I forgot to take any pictures of Eli, so here is one of him sleeping peacefully in my bed.  
He has been much better in the evenings lately, sleeping on his own usually from 7:30 pm to around 10 pm, or sometimes even until I come to bed around 11. Tonight's a different story, though. The kid just woke up, and apparently he is starving. Poor baby. Must feed him!

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