April 5

Today, Daisy demonstrated that she has mad Easter egg hunting skills.
OK, so the "hunt" might not have been so challenging.

But still. Mad skills.

She even shook the eggs first and only took the good ones.
Kidding. She shook the eggs just because they made a fun noise.

After MOPS and egg hunting and naps, the kiddos accompanied me to the grocery store. I haven't taken them shopping since the big move, so it's literally been at least three months since they did a full shopping trip with me. I was already anxious about taking them, but then today was also Coupon Thursday, in which my favorite grocery store automatically deducts $10 off every $50 you spend. It's always a madhouse, with big crowds and long lines. But I don't just do a normal shopping trip on Coupon Thursdays, because I have learned that if you spend $100, they don't take off $20; it's just the $10. Unless, that is, you bring a calculator, fill your cart with exactly $50 worth of qualifying groceries, pay, take your groceries to your car, and return for round two. Which is exactly what we did. Three times. We spent two hours at the grocery store, with Caleb in the cart seat and Daisy in the Ergo. But we saved $30, so I call it time well spent. 

And my children? They were delights. People smiled at them and commented about what good shoppers they were. Their happiness held until the very end of round three, when they both kind of melted and started fussing and I became The Woman with the Screaming Kids that you always glare at/feel bad for at the store. But I whipped out some snacks and they pulled it together and everything was a raging success, and we got home just as Chris returned from work.

"What? I definitely wasn't fussing at the grocery store. I am charm personified."

Caleb was happy to show off his running and jumping skills.

(I might have helped him pull himself together at the grocery by promising that if he stopped fussing, I would let him splash in the big puddle in front of the store. He may have calmed down, and it's possible that he might have had a lot of fun splashing. There's also a chance that he could have gotten soaking wet if I let him splash in a puddle, so he potentially could have ridden home in nothing but a T-shirt and his undies. Maybe. If I were the kind of mom who allowed things like that.)

"Wait - there was splashing? And I missed it? That sounds fun!"

I said maybe, Daisy! Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. you ROCK girl. such a fun mom. and an amaaaazing shopper!!!
