April 4

Today was much better than yesterday. Really, I'm not sure it would be possible for a day to be worse than yesterday was. Regardless, today was good. Chris took the morning off work, so I was able to sleep in. Caleb woke me at 8:00 when he ran into my bedroom, yelling, "What did we get you at Bread Company?!?!?" Of course, he was also wearing his rain boots, so it wasn't the yelling that woke me, but the CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP of his boots. But happy are the feet of those who bring good news, and those clomping boots brought word of a pumpkin muffin and hazelnut coffee, so I was a happy girl.

Then we headed out  to meet my MOPS group and our friends Amber and Michael and their family at Purina Farms, and the fun began in earnest.

We got there just in time for the dog show. It was by far the best part of our visit; I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be worth the drive if not for the dog show.

The kids were captivated. Caleb was clapping and squealing and giggling in a way that is really, really rare for him.
But if you saw this, I think you'd be squealing and laughing and clapping, too!

Daisy was totally into the show, too. She kept reaching out, trying to touch the dogs, and saying, "Dah! Dah!"
(Clearly, she was trying to say "dog". Duh.)

Caleb's second-favorite feature was the waterfall. He kept asking to go back to see it.

They didn't have fish food, but Catherine figured out that if she put her finger in the water, it would trick the fish into coming close. Clever girl. Also, see Caleb and Michael Jr. in the background? Caleb actually initiated a conversation with him, which was adorable. Michael was standing, and Caleb said, "Hey, Michael! You can sit here! You can sit here and put your hand in the water!" And then I died from the fact that my child was having a conversation with another child. It's a little thing that is really, really huge.

Then Caleb found Amber. I was sitting next to her, taking the photos above when Caleb sidled up between us and fairly pushed me out of the way so that he could be next to her. He kind of likes her. Then he started telling her about the lily pads in the water. And he was right - there were definitely lily pads.

Trying to lure some fish over.

Poor runny-nosed Daisy (who is eleven months old today, but I didn't take pictures due to the aforementioned runny nose) enjoyed the loving attention of Catherine and Mary.

Caleb enjoyed the tractor ride.

Our family on the tractor. Hooray!

This kid was so tickled to be riding on the tractor!

He even smiled and waved at every passerby.

Soon Daisy figured out that all of the cool kids were waving, so she started waving and saying, "Ha! Ha!"
And Caleb was maniacally happy.

Oh, Catherine. Isn't she adorable? I love her curly-poof-pigtails.

I also love Michael's sweet little face as he watched his mama snuggle Mary.

So. Long drive, weird naps, but fun, fun, fun. And very few tantrums today, so I call it a win.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness how fun to watch those cute doggies!! Love the family pictures!
