April 10

Ugh. And the sickness continues. It lingers. Intensifies. My poor babies.

Really, Daisy has the worst of it. She's been sick for a week, and things just keep getting worse. Caleb didn't get sick until Friday, and he's already feeling a little better. But Daisy. Poor Daisy. She's up every two hours at night, she's running a fever, she has crazy yellow goop coming out of her eyes, and her nose drips like a hose. Poor kid. She napped for three hours this morning; two this afternoon, and she was asleep by 7 tonight. I can only pray that she will sleep this thing off - soon.

Meanwhile, Caleb had a veerrrry tantrum-y lunchtime today. Grandmother gave him a giant chocolate Jesus fish for Easter, and he's been eyeing it since yesterday. So today I told him that if he ate a good lunch, he could have some of it. Only he didn't hear the "some". The poor child must have had visions of himself, smeared in melted chocolate, gobbling up the whole fish. When I only gave him a normal-sized piece, he lost it. Lost it. It was a violent, uncontrollable tantrum. He hit, scratched, screamed, cried. I had to restrain him at a few points. Finally he calmed down enough to sit quietly in his chair for a time out. When his two minutes of time out were up, the timer went off. But he pushed the timer button and said, "I will have another time out."
So he did. 
He repeated this process at least five times, until I looked over to see him wobbling back and forth in his little chair: he was sound asleep.

After naps, I took the kids to a new park near our house.

Caleb loved it! This was a see-saw of sorts. I was able to put my foot on the other end and bounce him. Fun!

He was quite tickled by the water fountain.We walked past it and Caleb stopped and said, "I'm just going to have a little sip of water first!" He seemed surprised and pleased when I said OK.

Swinging big-boy style, trying to figure out the whole leg-pumping thing.

My miserable little girl. Poor thing. But aren't her tights the funniest thing ever? They were a gift from Auntie Grace a long time ago, and they finally fit!

Poor baby. Feel better soon, Daisy!

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