April 14

OK. It's official; the kids are better. Praise the Lord! Plus, Chris is running a half marathon tomorrow. That means we're skipping church. Normally I'd feel bad about this, but today I am downright gleeful because it means Daisy won't have an opportunity to get sick again. (Can't you just see that happening? She's sick for over a week and a half, finally gets better, and then gets sick from those germy kids at church?)

So. Healthy kids, half marathon in the morning. And today I worked the ACT, so Chris got to spend some quality time with them. He also wielded the camera for me, which was nice. Here are Chris' shots of breakfast:
Daisy ate a banana and Cheerios. Chris said that he had to put her in the bath later because she smeared the banana everywhere. The girl really likes bananas.

Caleb ate his typical whole wheat bagel with cream cheese. Most mornings, he wakes up around 5:30 as Chris is getting ready for work. Caleb's first request is always for his "good morning coffee", which is warm milk with honey. It kills me that he calls it "good morning coffee" - it's the sweetest thing ever. Around 7:00 most mornings, Chris plops Caleb and Daisy in bed with me, and Caleb immediately requests his bagel with cream cheese. He's a fan.

He's nearly as messy with that bagel as Daisy is with her banana!

Our good boy. Lately, he's been waking up when we're still in bed. Chris and I were sound asleep this morning when Caleb came in and proudly announced, "Oh! I kept my underwear dry!"
Yep. Our big boy has been consistently dry for the past week or so.

Back to Miss Daisy. More banana.

She's clearly delighted; breakfast bananas are pretty spectacular.

That's the excited hand wave. Does every child do this, or is it just mine that flap their arms and make a funny noise every time they get excited?


  1. the older three were able to go to kiddie time at church but kel had tubes and constant issues with colds etc so she sat with me instead. just a compromise that worked for me. love you!

  2. So glad the kids are feeling better!
