April 25

Today was sunshiny and warm, but I didn't get enough sleep last night and I'm getting Daisy's cold, so I was in a funk.

Plus, today involved way too much poop.
Like many days, it started out promisingly - outdoor time, flowers in hair - but then she pulled the flower out and it all went downhill from there.

Caleb shoveling. At first he shoveled the (brand-new, dark and lovely) mulch, but I made him move to the grass instead.

I'm not sure whether Daisy was more excited about the ball or the mulch. She's saying "Ball" here.
(Also, she says "eye". And points to her eye. Or my eye. Doesn't matter. She knows "eye". She's a prodigy. Clearly she's brilliant. My girl, she shines like the sun.)

At one point Daisy's ball rolled down the driveway, into the street. I ran after it, and when I returned with the ball, Caleb said, "Mommy, that wasn't a safe choice! A car could have come and knocked you over! We don't run into the street!"
It was pretty funny.

After the poopy incidents and crummy naps, the only thing I could do was get out the water table and let the kids splash.

See the snot in her nose? Girl is still sick.

She's nearly one, and still doesn't pull up to standing. I think even Caleb was pulling up to standing by this point. But she pulls up to her knees a lot. I was really hoping the water table would be incentive to get her standing, but it wasn't.

Caleb was a fan, though. However, now that he's potty trained, he found swim trunks to be confusing. He got pretty upset when his shorts got wet from splashing. You know, because wet pants = bad now. Eventually I convinced him that swim trunks are made to be wet.

And this girl's bare thighs got chewed up by the deck, so I put her back in clothes. This is the first time she's worn this dress, and I am so in love with it.

To bed now. Tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, call me. I have a blog question. 6369473573 Kim
