April 13

OK, I think the kiddos are almost better. But poor Daisy has developed some really bad nighttime sleep habits over the past week and a half, and it will take some serious Mommy Boot Camp to fix those. She was up every two hours again last night, which made for a very exhausted (and crabby) Mommy this morning.

The kids and I wore our Cardinals best in honor of today's home opener, but the Cards just couldn't pull it off. Maybe if Caleb had worn his Cardinals cap in addition to his t-shirt, it would have been enough?

A runny-nosed Daisy, modeling her new Cards shirt.

And delightedly reading a Christmas book.

There's my happy girl! (Sorry for the crummy pictures - it was a gray, rainy day with no natural light to be found. I had to force myself to get my camera out.)

Daisy is totally into giving kisses and tickling her brother lately. Funny girl. Caleb loves the attention, too!

This is her version of a snuggle - she scoots up to you, and leans her head down on you. It's a kind of hug/snuggle.

Oh! And gouging his eyes out. That's fun, too. Today Daisy grabbed my eyelashes and shouted, "Ayh!" She was definitely saying "eye".

Later, my mom came over to watch the kids so that Chris and I could go to a special church event. We got all gussied up; I even wore heels! But as soon as I put my heels on, Caleb started fussing about wearing slippers. Then I realized - he thought my heels were glass slippers, a la Cinderella. Really. So I got down another pair for him to wear.
The kid is a natural. He was a much better walker than many adult women I've seen.

Oh, my darling boy. Some day this photo will haunt you.

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