April 23

We rocked today. The kids and I were on our A-games and accomplished so much! We even had time for a trip to the playground this afternoon.
She's still too young to really enjoy the playground, but she loves scooting around and exploring.

Today she was into the swings. Some days, not so much. But today was a swing day.

Am I the only one who thinks Daisy looks super-adorable here?
(she also looks chubby here, but she definitely is NOT chubby.)

I'm pretty sure she was trying to figure out how to pump her legs.
Caleb was bold and went down the big slide several times. He has yet to learn that if he climbed up a certain tunnel, he would discover two more (bigger) slides.

The playground has a built-in area with some sort of bells that make noise if you tap them with your hand. Can you tell how focused Daisy was on getting them to work? She gets that focus from her mama. We call it  "The Zone." (Also, I have no idea what to do about her hair. She won't keep a clip in it anymore, so the bangs are always in her face. But I don't want to cut  bangs - I want it to be long. And then there's the stringy baby mullet in the back... What do I do?)

Now, I'm off to spend some more time in The Zone. Wish me well!

1 comment:

  1. A little hairspray might help tame the bangs? or some mousse? Enjoy your Zone time ;) !
