April 2

Another busy day - I am officially declaring tomorrow "Do-Nothing Tuesday". So don't expect us to do anything. We invited some friends over for a playdate this morning, and it ended up being much more hectic and noisy than I anticipated. But that's ok. Then Chris came home early to take me to see The Hunger Games. I loved the books, and was so excited to see the movie! My mom and Jenny came over to play with the kids, who napped the first hour and a half we were gone.

Mom and Jenny also fulfilled my camera-y needs; I hadn't taken any pictures, but they were sure to document the fun they had with Caleb and Daisy.

A cheerful, freshly-woken Daisy, out on the deck.
(Side note: she got wicked splinters in her scooting foot the other day. I definitely prefer patios over decks.)

Daisy loves when Jenny tickles her with her braids.

Oh my. Apparently Daisy is big enough to go down the slide unassisted? I definitely wouldn't have tried this, but she seems to be fine... Also, I love how Caleb is "helping" her. Jenny told me later that he thought it would be helpful if he sat on Daisy's lap while she went down the slide?

Awww... hugs!

Also, Daisy now knows that shoes and socks go on feet. If you hand her one, she will first try to put it on her foot, then try to eat it. Progress!

Love this girl. Love my mom and sister for letting me have a date with my husband. Thanks!

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