April 11

My poor babies are still sick, but I think they're on the upswing. Maybe Daisy will have a nearly normal night of sleep tonight?

Meanwhile, Caleb had another lunchtime tantrum. After yesterday's insanity, I vowed to be diligent today about getting him fed and to his nap by 12:45. We were right on track, until he started freaking out at 12:25. By 12:45, this was my boy:

Sound asleep after a self-imposed extended time out. Poor kid.

While Caleb and Daisy were napping, this arrived: 
Daisy's new car seat! We chose a Diono Radian RXT, which was pretty pricey, but hopefully totally worth it.  It should be the only car seat/booster Daisy ever needs, it's top-rated for safety, and it's the only one on the market that will fit three across in a sedan. (Not that we have any need for three car seats right now, thank you very much. But hopefully we will in the future!)

Once the kids woke up, we headed outside to attempt to install this beast. 
Daisy said goodbye to her old pumpkin seat. We'll be packing that away until hypothetical future baby #3 arrives.

I'm pretty sure she's doing an "I'm a big girl with a big girl car seat" dance.

It really looks like she's doing some sort of crazy interpretive dance, doesn't it? Don't worry; that's not how we roll around her. She has a rock in her hands and she's holding it up to show us.

Playing catch with Daddy, who arrived home sometime during the (arduous) installation process. These children were seriously grouchy until Daddy got home; then they were all smiles and sunshine. What gives?

Throwing the ball.

And, at last, Daisy got to try out her new big girl car seat! 
She likes it! Good thing, too, considering how much it cost. And look at all of that room for another car seat some day!
I'm curious to see how Daisy and Caleb interact in the car now that she's on the same level as him. He's still rear-facing, so I wonder if they'll be able to see each other and talk? He'll be rear-facing for a while, since I'm absolutely adamant about keeping my kiddos rear facing as long as humanly possible. Don't be surprised if Caleb is fifteen years old and still riding rear-facing in his car seat. (Kidding. Kind of.) So far he has yet to complain, so we'll keep it up!

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