October 8

I couldn't lose track of this day - today is my Mom's birthday!

Caleb and I went to pay her a visit and snuck in a trip to the park, too.
This is technically a neck pillow, but Caleb loves playing with it. He'll hold it and alternately say "raaarrr" and "ah-ah". He also decided (without any prompting from us) that it makes a nice hat. In this photo, he's checking himself out in his "Mommy-view" mirror.

I promise, he was not this bored at the park. He actually had a great time!

The child is never satisfied - here, he's swinging and signing "more" because he wants to go down the slide.

BTW, isn't his sweatervest darling? I scored it for 50 cents at the citywide garage sale a few weeks ago, and I couldn't be more pleased!

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