October 21

Oh boy, what a long day!

We had MOPS today, and on the days that I organize a creative activity for the ladies, we don't get home until 1:00. That means poor Caleb totally misses his morning nap. Add to that Caleb's current separation anxiety, which means that when I drop him off in childcare at 9:15, he's crying and when I pick him up again at 11:40, he's still crying. Did he cry the whole time? Who knows.  Ugh. Regardless, it's exhausting.

But Caleb fell asleep in the car on the way home, and slept for nearly 3 hours, which meant that we had a lovely afternoon.
He gave his pumpkin a kiss

and was cheerful and wonderful!

We blew bubbles, rode his bike, danced in the living room, and read books and books and books. (At one point, he scooted from the living room into the kitchen with book in hand, saying, "Wee! Wee! Wee!" No - not little piggies - it's his way of saying "Read! Read! Read!" What a sweetheart!)

1 comment:

  1. ohhhhhh, mwa mwa mwa! (me smooching Caleb) He is so cute, Read Read that's his favorite thing!
