October 7

My poor kiddo had such a busy morning. We had MOPS this morning, which meant leaving the house at 8:30 and not getting home until after 1:00. (I was leading the creative activity, and had to get there early to set up and stay late to clean up.) So the poor kid missed his morning nap, and didn't have the common sense to sleep longer for his afternoon nap. (Seriously. Shouldn't he know better?)

Luckily, we had a fun, fun afternoon (photos to follow).

And then, just as I was making dinner (I had a pot of water boiling on one burner, and a pan preheating on another), the electricity went out. For no good reason. So of course we had to go out to dinner, during which service was slow, the restaurant was loud, and Caleb screamed and fussed like the obnoxious baby he definitely is NOT. It was a bit stressfull.

But now he's sleeping peacefully, and I've had time to lounge on the couch and watch The Office, so I can look over today's photos and declare that it was a Good Day.


I let Caleb play with chalk for the first time this afternoon.

Once he figured out that he shouldn't eat it, he was really focused.

He loved it!

I might have helped him with this.

One of my favorite shots in a while - he's hugging my knees. Quite often, he'll stop whatever he's doing and give me (or Chris) a big hug. It's the sweetest thing ever, and I'm so thankful to have such an affectionate (but not clingy) child.

He's a joy, even if he did annoy every customer within a 20 foot radius at dinner tonight.