February 22

Remember yesterday's rain?
It turns out that yesterday's rain makes today's mud puddles. And guess who has a new fascination with mud? My children.

We were initially supposed to go to a babywearing meeting today - you know, the meeting that I lead now? But Eli's afternoon throw up yesterday meant no meeting today. Since our plans were ruined, I let the kids play outside.

Big mistake.

They were mud magnets, so I resigned myself to giving everyone a mid-morning bath.

Bigger mistake?

Telling the children that. Suddenly, they felt the freedom to get as muddy as they pleased. But really, it was pretty fun to watch.

Slipping and sliding in the mud!

It was about this point that I realized that, while muddy children are a temporary problem, a yard destroyed by children digging and slipping and sliding in the mud was a longer-term problem that Chris might not be so pleased about.

But look at their happy little faces!

He wasn't so upset when I showed him these pictures.

Especially this one.

And this one, which is nearly perfect except that Daisy is slightly out of focus. Darn back-button focusing! I still need to work on that.

Cleaning the kids was a lot of work, but it was worth it. Also, no more vomit today. Hooray!

I did two carries today to get caught up. 
This is short ruckless bikini carry. I was surprised how much I liked it!

And this is a five year old in a torso carry. As in, she is supported entirely by a wrap tied around my chest and nowhere else. Kind of the way you tie a towel around your body? Same concept.
Except this was Double Hammock Torso Carry, with a Junko's Bunko finish.

I know - fancy stuff here!

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