February 17

We had a fabulous hiking adventure today, but I didn't take a single picture.
I know.
We met up with a group of baby wearing, nature-exploring moms and their kids at a local conservation area. One of the moms has a son Caleb's age, another Daisy's age, a daughter Lily's age, and another daughter a year younger than Eli. Normally Caleb is the oldest kid at our play dates, so he was really thrilled to have kids his age to play with. Lily made friends with the girl her age, and they spent much of the hike holding hands. It was adorable.
Caleb's behavior was not so adorable, though, and I made the mistake of letting Eli down to play in a creek and then he wanted to do the rest of the hike on foot. Managing the needs of a 7.5 year old and a 2 year old, while chasing after two other kids, while maintaining my sanity, is not something I've mastered yet. 
So no pictures.

I did take pictures of this, though:
I don't know what was going on, just that Eli was being adorable.

He's either a stinker or a sweetheart. There isn't much middle ground.

He just discovered this baseball t-shirt, and he loves it.

Goodness, he's cute.

And our carry of the day: 
It didn't work out so well because I waited until bedtime to do it, and ended up wrapping a too-big child in a too-small wrap. So it goes.

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