February 18

Our church small group partners with an organization that serves children with disabilities and their families through adaptive sports and recreation. When Chris, a former ice hockey player, found out that this month's activity was ice skating and sled hockey, he was all over it! I chose to stay home with the kids so that Chris could be really helpful and not distracted with our children, and he spent the morning playing sled hockey with new friends. 

That's him in the gray. Awesome, right?

Since Chris was off having fun, I decided we should have some fun, too. I suggested grocery shopping, but the kids weren't interested. I know. It's surprising!

First, we played in the back yard.
After yesterday's fail at the carry of the day, I decided to try today's carry early. 
Except today's carry is just Rear Reinforced Ruck, which is one of my go-to carries. Nothing exciting.

Lily chose the wrap, and was very happy to be snuggled up with me.


Then we dropped off some prints for a client, and went to a nearby park. We have been here several times, and the kids like the playground a lot. In the summer there's a splash pad, and there's a nice paved trail around the perimeter. I knew, though, that this park had a secret, less accessible wild area.

We had to cross a creek to get to it, and the easiest way to cross the creek was via log bridge.
Caleb did it! 
This was such a huge, huge thing for me to see. My timid, hesitant, non-gross-motor-inclined child dominated that log bridge and he wasn't afraid at all. 
I was so proud.

Daisy eagerly followed.

Look at her go!

I, meanwhile, had Eli on my back.
No, mom, I did not walk across the log bridge with Eli on my back. That would be foolish. I found some stepping stones across the creek, and with Eli on my back and Lily in my arms, I gingerly made my way across.

Once we got across, we realized that this wild area was someone's "secret hideout".

We found a couple of these stick lean-tos, which were pretty cool. 

As we explored, I realized there was a faint path trampled through the fallen leaves. We found a tall tree with a knotted climbing rope securely affixed about 15 feet up, and Caleb and Daisy took turns swinging from the rope. (We are reading Charlotte's Web, and the kids just read the part that describes the rope swing in Zuckerman's barn that is very similar. How timely!)

We also found this pull up bar!
Someone really cool must have crafted an exercise circuit in the woods. The kids thought it was pretty cool! (Amber, your kids would have been in heaven!)

Look at their happy little faces! These kids love being in nature and exploring so much. Hiking and adventuring is definitely our new favorite pastime!

Finally, we finished in the woods and headed to the *actual* playground. Since it was a warm Saturday, it was pretty crowded, but one boy in particular really changed the tone of play. He was about Daisy's age, and it quickly became apparent that his dad was coaching him in parkour. The kids all watched as he leaped over benches, climbed up slides instead of sliding down, and climbed up poles like a monkey. If I had only small children, I would have been totally annoyed. Instead, I thought it was awesome.

Daisy thought it was awesome, too! I love watching these kids build confidence in their gross motor skills!

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