May 20

Today was cold and rainy, and the girls were stir-crazy. Daisy kept asking if someone (anyone!) could come over to play, or if she had school, or if we could go to church. Lily asked for her friend Naomi, the doctor, and finally Target. (I think. Her words for doctor and Target sound very similar.) But both girls  have really nasty, snotty noses, so playing with friends is out of the question. (note to Jill: I hope Naomi doesn't get Lily's cold from our playdate. Sorry about that.)
However, we were almost out of toilet paper, so I decided a trip to Target was in order.
By myself.
With three children.
In the rain.

And Target is right next door to the Dollar Store, so we went there first. 
And our cloth diaper store is right there, so I decided to bop in and weigh Eli.

It was a very busy outing, but the kids did great. I limped the whole way through Target, but my pain was minimal. So that's improvement?

But if you want to see improvement, check this out:

Can you see those numbers?
12 pounds, 6.5 ounces.

Apparently I didn't blog about Eli's last weigh-in on May 2, when he was 10 pounds, 11 ounces. It was pretty discouraging, and I was a bit concerned. You can see why on his growth chart below:

See that awful dip?
But look at today's weight! He jumped right over the third percentile, and is now in the 5th percentile! I had a hunch that Eli was having a growth spurt; perhaps it was something about the fact that he was waking to nurse every two hours in the night? Or maybe it was the fact that all of a sudden his legs feel very thick, strong, and sturdy. Or possibly the new rolls of fat. 
Regardless of what it was, look at that awesome jump! 
Way to go, Eli!

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