May 12

It has been five weeks since Lily's last appointment with the ENT, so it was time for yet another follow-up. We have been using a nasal steroid spray daily, hoping that it would help the fluid drain from her ears.
Today we learned that it didn't help, she still has fluid in her ears, and it is probably time to go ahead and put tubes in. I can't say I think tubes are a good idea, but I certainly think they're a better idea than long-term steroid use or more antibiotics for another ruptured eardrum, so I made the appointment.

Lily was a champ for her check-up, though, and was rewarded with a quick stop by Grandma's house on the way home. We got home just in time to be there when Gayle returned from picking Daisy up at preschool, and then we had lunch and naps all around. (Or rather, naps for the little ones and a pretend nap for Daisy. I'm afraid she may be dropping her nap, and evenings have been kind of awful for her lately.)

I even snuck in a nap with this handsome fella.

After naps and welcoming Caleb home, we headed into the back yard. I found a patch of shade and spread out a blanket for Eli, and I was rewarded with some really awesome faces:

I'm pretty sure he's winking at me. That's possible, right?

And there's a sweet smile. He was pretty happy to be outside. Also, he looks awesome in blue!

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