May 17

Eli was pretty high maintenance today. During one of the times he was fussing, Chris chose to take him outside to play with the big kids. As I chopped veggies at my kitchen counter, I looked out the window and saw...

Eli in a swing???

Of course I grabbed my camera and hobbled out there to document it, but I still have misgivings. I mean, the kid isn't even 16 weeks old yet, and adjusted he is less than 11 weeks old... definitely not ready to swing on a regular basis. But Daddy was close and totally engaged, and Eli? Well, I'll let yo be the judge.
Chris stayed close and just barely pushed the swing.

Look at those pudgy little arms draped over the swing!

I think he liked it!
(I'm also not sure why his hands are balled up into fists like that. I think it's a developmental thing? I don't know. I'm not going to let myself worry about it right now.)

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! OMG this is sooooooo so cute! my eyes popped out...
