December 6

These posts are all a bit late - I was feeling yucky this weekend, and spent a lot of the weekend in bed while Chris tended to the kids. Luckily, I kicked whatever it was I was fighting.

Last night, I raced all over tarnation looking for Christmas jammies and slippers for the kids for St. Nicholas day today. It was exhausting, but I fulfilled my mission.

Then I was woken at 3:15 this morning by the sound of Caleb shouting from his bedroom, Daisy crying from the bathroom, and complete silence and darkness everywhere else. The power had gone out, and the kids were terrified. Chris was nowhere to be found, so I assumed that Lily had woken up sometime before the power went out, and he was in her room, trying to get her back to sleep. So I grabbed a flashlight, rounded up the big kids, and brought them to bed with me. It took nearly an hour for them to finally fall asleep, pressed as closely to me as they could possibly get. Thirty minutes later, the power came back on. It's amazing how loud all of the ambient noise in our house is! Since this pregnant mama needs all the space in the bed she can get, I put the kids back into their own beds and desperately tried to get some sleep. Sadly, it was nearly 5am by then, and I had to get up at 7. Boo.

One bright part about being up so early was hearing Caleb notice his new slippers, which look like dinosaur feet. He was pretty excited, as were Daisy and Lily about their new bunny slippers.

After that exciting night, I spent the morning at the church that hosts my MOPS group, photographing families for a Christmas celebration. When I got home, I crawled right into bed and ended up staying there all afternoon and evening. Oops.

But I guess Chris took these pictures of the girls while they ate lunch:
Lily really likes veggie straws, and Daisy apparently likes poking veggie straws out the back of her chair.

Oh! Daisy, wearing her new Christmas jammies, using veggie straws as fangs.

And that's all I have for today. Better than nothing, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Actually it was Lily who initially poked the veggie straws into the chair. Daisy followed. Too funny.
