December 15

Oh, Do-Nothing Monday, how I love you! 

Caleb started our day out with a bang by drawing the solar system on our chalkboard wall before breakfast. That kid is pretty fun.
He started with the rocket, astronaut, and moon on the bottom. Then he decided to add in the planets, so he drew the sun on the far left. The moon became Mercury, the yellow ball is Venus, then the blue and green Earth. Next to Earth is a very small red Mars, but it is almost eclipsed by the white comet with the red tail. Then there's another white comet, and "Big ol' Jupiter". Then a shooting star, followed by Saturn (with rings!), Uranus, and Neptune.
Then Daisy got sad that she didn't get to draw, so he drew a pink astronaut for her. After I took this picture, he also added a Lily astronaut, complete with a little ponytail sticking out of her helmet.

I think you can tell from the picture that Caleb was really proud of his work. We emailed the picture to his teacher, who was quite impressed. I love my boy.

I thought that was the only picture I took today, but I happened to check my memory card and found these gems that I'd forgotten I took:

That is Lily's "I'm eating yogurt and I love it!" face. Most of the time she uses her spoon, but sometimes she gets carried away and smears the yogurt all over her face. Whatev.

See? Back to the spoon like a perfect little lady. That girl.

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