December 5

It rained today. All day. We all wore rain boots and carried umbrellas to the bus stop this morning, and I was so thankful that there was nothing on our calendar today. The girls and I laid in bed and watched Sesame Street (don't judge - I'm 27 weeks pregnant with my fourth child in 6 years and if I need to laze about every now and then, I will, by golly!), but when Lily went down for a remarkably early nap, Daisy and I burst into action.

While it chilled in the refrigerator, we made 3 dozen of our favorite chocolate zucchini muffins. (I'll do the math for you: it was this recipe, times four.)
While those baked, we made gelatin gummies.
Then we rolled out and cut the cookies, and Daisy was in heaven.

I know. Isn't she the cutest thing ever?

We finished all of our cooking and baking just as Lily woke up. Sadly, that meant that I did not get overlapping naps today, but Lily and I used Daisy's naptime to frost the cookies, wash all the dishes, and trudge through the rain to get Caleb off the school bus. 

Then, because I am Super Mom, I started dinner, gave all the kids super-early baths, clipped everyone's toenails, and still managed to have dinner ready almost on time. My incentive for doing all that work was family movie night. Tomorrow is St. Nicholas Day, and we love the Veggie Tales St. Nicholas movie.  Since all of the kids were already bathed and in their jammies, we were able to watch the movie and eat the Christmas cookies Daisy and I had made. All three kids loved it, and though Lily's attention span clearly didn't last, she spent a lot of time laughing at the silly characters.

We like to give the kids Christmas jammies and new slippers on St. Nicholas Day, but since I am definitely not Super Mom, I kind of never got around to buying the kids Christmas jammies. Oops. So after I got the big kids to bed, I ran out and managed to find jammies and slippers for all three. Hooray!

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