July 31

I've been silent the past few days because there has been a lot of stuff going on!  
We've finally found a new tenant for our old house and signed a lease, Chris is heading out of town for two weeks for the Graduate School of Banking, and - oh yeah - I'm sneaking away with him for the first weekend of it! This will be the first time we've left Daisy or Lily; the last time Chris and I got away without the kids was when I was 32 weeks pregnant with Daisy. That's three and a half years ago. Preparing for everything has taken up a lot of time, and it seems like there are never enough hours in the day!

While Chris and I are away this weekend, we'll celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary. One of my favorite traditions - one that we only started when Caleb was a baby - is visiting the park where we were married and taking family photos. 

Want to take a walk down memory lane with me?
And the year before - 2012 (it was our 10th anniversary!)

I am so, so blessed to have several very talented photographers who love me very, very much. In 2012, my dear friend Amber took pictures for us. This year, my friend Sara agreed to help us. Despite the fact that she's a teacher, and today was her second day back at work for the school year. Despite the fact that her husband was stuck at work, and she had to bring her 9-year-old and 5-year-old boys with her.

And then? She stayed up late editing pictures, and sent me a few of her favorites. I'm so excited about them that I'm staying up late blogging, just to share them with you.

This girl. She is such an affectionate little imp, and this picture captures it perfectly.

This one pretty well sums up our family. Definitely not perfect, but a whole lot of love, and a whole lot of fun.

Goodness. Aren't they adorable? We are so blessed to be their parents!

Black and white?

Or color?

How about both? 
Caleb specifically requested a picture of me holding him, because his shirt matched my dress and necklace perfectly. I love that boy.

I know, right? 

But wait - here's my favorite: 
Even our wedding photographer twelve years ago didn't capture a moment like that. I have some talented friends, people.

And a really fantastic husband. I think I'll keep him. Happy (early) anniversary to us!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE That first picture of Daisy holding Chris' hand. I love the big, manly dad hand and her chubby, little girl arm. Too cute. Really touching pictures and great memories of you guys. :)
