July 7

Well. Night  #4 of night weaning/sleep training did not go very well. Lily woke up at 3:45 and basically refused to sleep unless she was held, so we alternated listening to her scream and Chris holding her until 5:30, when Chris had to get ready for work.

Not fun.

Even less fun was trying to put her down for her morning nap at 8:30 (it's not usually that early, but see above re: early). That girl fell asleep in my arms, but every time I laid her in the crib she woke up and began screaming. FOR TWO AND A HALF HOURS.

She finally fell asleep around 11:15, and slept well into the afternoon. Poor girl was exhausted.

But back to the morning, before I knew that Lily was trying to kill me. Since we were up so early, we had time to play on the front porch in our jammies before it got too hot out. The kids played; I drank my coffee. It was lovely.

Lily wanted so badly to play bubbles with the big kids! She even practiced blowing, like she was blowing bubbles.

This is why Lily's hair is usually in a ponytail these days. If I don't pull it up, it's a shaggy mop in her face. I'm not willing to cut bangs, and the girl won't keep a clip in her hair, so ponytail it is.

Look at that stinker. Can you see the defiance in her eyes? She's clearly thinking, "What, Mom? I'm not going to tip these bubbles over! Wait, yes, I am. the moment you turn your back, I am going to dump these everywhere."

I love how focused Lily is on Caleb as he blows bubbles!

The three of them had a good game going: Caleb blew bubbles, Daisy attempted to catch the bubbles in her bucket, and Lily sat and smiled. That's what I call teamwork.

And then Lily was desperate to drink my coffee and Daisy had to intervene. The ensuing fit from Lily was what led to the epic battle of naptime. Let's pray that tonight goes better!

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