July 16

Caleb and Lily were both due for well-child visits with their doctor, so I scheduled them both for today. Caleb did great; he clocked in at 40 pounds and 43.5 inches, which puts him in the 50th percentile for height and weight.
Lily, however, was another story. Developmentally, she's great. Height-wise, she's great.
But her weight...
Today she weighed 17 pounds, 11 ounces, putting her in the 5th percentile. The same girl who was 75th percentile at birth. The same girl who, three months ago, weighed 17 pounds, 2 ounces. Our doctor, who doesn't startle easily, was concerned.

We've been down this road with Daisy, and I don't want to go down it again with Lily. Thankfully, I think Daisy and Lily have very different circumstances. With Daisy, there was truly a problem that needed to be resolved, and we were able to resolve it with radical changes to our diet. With Lily, I think it's a short-term problem caused by several factors:
1. I just stopped feeding her in the middle of the night two weeks ago. That means she dropped two nursing sessions over the course of a weekend.
2. She's become super-mobile over the past few weeks. It's common to see babies' weight gain slow at this time.
3. The weird virus she's had the past few days. It's meant lots of poop, and not so much eating. On my home scale, she has consistently weighed between 18 pounds and 18 pounds, 5 ounces for the past month or two. I really think she's lost a bit from this bug.

One of the things I love most about our doctor is her passion for collaboration and education. She doesn't just tell me what to do, but she works together with me to find solutions. We talked for quite a while about strategies to get more calories for Lily, and I'm hopeful that with a concerted focus on food, we'll see Lily's weight come back up.

We go back in two weeks for a weight check. Pray for my girl, friends?

Including drive time and waiting time and doctor time, our doctor visit took 3 hours. The kids rocked it, but by the time we got home, they were ready to run and play in the beautiful sunshine! They asked to eat lunch in their "clubhouse", and I happily agreed. As I prepared my own lunch, I looked out the window and saw this:

I love watching those two play happily together!

When Lily woke up from her nap, we went shopping for party supplies, and got home in time to meet with an arborist about our poor oak tree. Then dinner and... I forgot to take pictures of Lily. Luckily, she was pretty cute right before bathtime.

Such a big girl, reading a book all by herself!

I love her funny faces.

What a cutie pie!

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