July 22

I took the kids to the Botanical Garden this morning, and intentionally left the big camera behind. Our arrangement was pretty fluid; sometimes Caleb and Daisy were in the BOB and Lily was on my back in my linen wrap, sometimes Lily and Daisy were in the BOB and Caleb ran, and sometimes Lily was on my back and we ditched the stroller to explore. In situations like that, I don't want to lug my camera around, too.
So no pictures.
But we had fun, and we returned home exhausted! Lily napped for over three hours, and after some finagling on my part, I tricked Caleb and Daisy into naps in my big bed. But they were so sweaty and close to me that I had to leave the bed and go nap on the couch. Boo!

Later, they played in our little swimming pool while I made dinner. (Lest you think I allow my children to play unsupervised in a swimming pool, I'd like to clarify that I position the pool right outside my kitchen window and I watch them through the open window the whole time. They are literally four feet from me, and we talk as they play.) Lily eventually got tired of  splashing, so I wrapped her up on my back while I finished making dinner.

Some dinner prep selfies:
I have no idea why that girl is pinching my ear.
And yes, she's naked. I mean, she's wearing a diaper, but is otherwise naked.

She loves seeing her picture on the camera!

And I just realized that I accomplished my goal of taking a picture of Lily every day of her first year. That means that I can relax a little bit with the blogging! Hooray! I'll still probably post most days, but don't be concerned if I skip a day here or there, okay?

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