July 1

On Sunday night, I looked at our schedule for the week and thought, "Wow! We have the whole week free! Nothing scheduled at all!"

Not so much anymore, but we're having lots of fun! We started the day with a playdate with Amber and Drew, but we had so much fun that I forgot to take pictures.

Just as Lily woke up from her nap, Sara texted that her brand-new pool was full of water and ready for guests. We scooted over there before she could change her mind! Our friends Jessica and Stella came, too. 

Lily was the first of our children in the water, and she was clearly quite pleased with herself. She didn't mind that the water was a little bit cold! She was swimming!

Look at that sassy face! 

I didn't get any pictures of Caleb, but he spent the whole time jumping and splashing. He loved Sara's new pool! Daisy, however...
I think she splashed her feet in the pool at one point, and later went as far as the steps. That's it. She's been having a rough few days, with dramatic tantrums and lots of clumsiness.  
It's rough being three.

Lily got lots of Sara snuggles, so she was a happy girl.

Kisses, too! Aren't they sweet?

And then it was time to go. When we got home, I found this: 
(Don't worry, Mom. His seat belt was buckled for the ride home; I unclipped it, then decided to take a picture.) He slept like that for at least 45 minutes, then woke with just enough time to change back into his swim trunks for kickboard practice.

Caleb got a special ribbon - with his name on it! - for participating in the race last week. He was pretty excited.

And Lily spent her time cruising all around the picnic table.

After dinner, Chris helped her do some walking. What a big girl!

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