July 5

Remember how we used to live in a different house? And then Daisy came along, and our two bedrooms weren't enough, and Chris' hour-long commute made us crazy? Remember how we put our house on the market, but it didn't sell, so we ended up renting it out and buying a foreclosure?

Well, after two and a half years, our tenant decided not to renew her lease.
We spent the morning out at the old house, taking pictures and meeting with two potential tenants. Our current tenant has done a lovely job of caring for the house and making it her home, which left my heart overflowing with thankfulness. Now, Chris and I are praying that God will send us the right tenant to replace the old one.

Lily had never been to the house, which is strange for me. We brought Caleb home from the hospital there, and Daisy was born there, but Lily? Nothing.

So here's Lily, exploring the place that used to be our home:
When I saw this picture, I realized that I have very few photos of this girl on the move. She's crawling and cruising all over the place now!

Later, back at our real house, Chris took the kids outside to play while I made dinner. They were having so much fun that Chris came in to grab my camera for a few pictures. Thirty minutes later, when he returned the camera with a big grin on his face, he proudly informed me, "I have your blog post for the day!"

He was right. Check this out: 
Chris set up our backyard "water slide" again, but this time with a sprayer nozzle mounted up high, and the kiddie pool at the bottom. Brilliant!

So. Much. Fun!

It kills me how good Chris is at framing shots and choosing good angles for pictures. I try so hard to take good pictures, but he's effortlessly excellent. I'm lucky to have a man like him!

Goodness. Don't you love it?

Over and over and over and over and over again!


And Lily was fascinated.
Also, she was annoyed by the feeling of the grass on her skin. See how she's lifting that one leg completely up? Ha!

That is one happy girl.

And a cute girl, too.

Then Lily found a surprise in the grass - an Easter egg! 

I don't even want to think about the fact that she's trying to eat an egg that has been in our yard since April. Yuck. But at least she was happy!

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