July 6

Have I mentioned that we started working on night-weaning Lily this weekend?  Chris and I are planning a weekend away at the end of the month, with my mom and Chris' Aunt Maggie sharing childcare duties for us. Because I'm confident they'd never speak to us again if we didn't address the nighttime issue, we decided to go for it. Our goal is to have the girl sleeping through the night by her birthday.

Night #1 was ROUGH.
Night #2 was better - Chris had to hold her for a while, but it worked out fine.
Night #3, last night, Lily woke up and needed some comforting at 9:45, which is unusual for her. Other than that, she slept through the night! I heard her wake, whimper, and settle herself back down once or twice, but it seemed like she was getting the hang of soothing herself back to sleep.
We'll see how tonight goes; I started trying to put her down before 8:00, and as I type this she is still fussing. It's hard work being a baby.

Today involved church,  a trip to Costco with the big kids while Lily napped and Chris worked on stuff at home, a long nap for me, pool time for the big kids, and breakfast for dinner. Somehow I didn't manage to document any of it. I did manage to catch Lily doing one of her favorite things, though: cruising under the kitchen table.

I love how pleased she is with herself!

She's just the right height to walk around under the table without bonking her head, and the table is just the right distance from the bench to provide perfect support for walking practice. 
What a big girl!

And what a quiet girl, now. She finally fell asleep.

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