July 4

Our Independence Day involved painting baseboards and crown molding, a trip to the pool, naps for all three children, and a fantastic party. It was a long, fun day!

Do you remember last year, when Lily was still stubbornly inside my belly? Her due date was July 8, but she didn't come until the 19th.
Notice Daisy's dress?

Lily wore it this year. 
The dress has certainly made the rounds, because Daisy also wore it two years ago.
Now I'm feeling sentimental, so here's what the kids looked like three years ago on Independence Day.
What? You want more? How about Caleb in Lake Michigan, four years ago today?
And I have no pictures of five years ago today, because though Caleb was due on July 3, he didn't come until July 9.

But back to the present.
Our friends Jessica and Travis hosted an awesome party in their hundred-plus-year-old house. The kids wore their patriotic best: Lily in that dress, Daisy in a too-small tank top and a headband I made when she was a baby, and Caleb in his favorite American flag muscle shirt.

Daisy loved swinging with Daddy, until I tried to take a picture.

Lily was so good, and happily entertained herself with Stella's toys.

Stella entertained herself with a chicken bone. 

I got the bright idea to corral all of the children on the stairs and take a picture. These kids came from nine families. 11-month-old Lily was the youngest, and 9-year-old Jack was the oldest. 
Stella didn't want to cooperate for the first picture, but do you notice Caleb and Daisy in the top left?
They're smooching.
On one hand, it was cute. On the other, how embarrassing! I think we will forever use this picture as blackmail.

Stella finally cooperated because she wanted to be next to "Baby Lily". Look at how Lily put her little foot on Stella's foot!

There - all the children, no smooching.

We ended up staying until 9:00. Fireworks began at 9:20 just blocks away, but Caleb and Daisy were fading quickly. We knew that if we stayed, we would either have to stay inside and not watch the fireworks, or forcibly hold the children outside and endure their shrieking about the noises.

So we went home, and didn't watch the fireworks. 
Lame, right?
I think Chris and I both regret our decision, but it certainly was easier for everyone. Maybe next year...

1 comment:

  1. How fun and so cute about the kissing picture!! Also the water slide invention looks sooo fun! OMG I can't believe the older photos and how small Daisy looks and Caleb so cute and little-boyish!
    Crazy how they change so fast!
