November 9

Today was unquestionably a Good Day.

We met my mom and sister for breakfast, and Daisy fell asleep in the car on the way home. (The girl knew what was good for her - today was another 5am wake-up!) We got home and she continued to sleep for three more hours! That's a ridiculously good nap, and I enjoyed every moment of it. While she slept, Caleb and I played. While he was eating lunch, I looked up and saw something funny:

Some of Caleb's things had  been stacked into a small but unusual tower.

I laughed, and asked Caleb if he had built the tower. He wasn't sure how to respond; I think he wasn't sure whether I was going to scold him or not. But then I told him how funny it was and that I liked his creative thinking.
His response?
"You can take a picture of it?"

Sure, kid. I'll take a picture of it.

I was pretty impressed by it. It's no easy feat (ha!) to balance a shoe on top of a dog.

After Caleb ate lunch, he had a bit of a tummyache (read: he was pooping in his diaper and it was a rough one) so I picked him up and snuggled him. He was taking his sweet time, though, so I moved over to the couch and held him there. We snuggled and sang, and within minutes, my two-year-old boy was asleep on my chest.

It's been eight months since he last fell asleep on my chest. You wouldn't think I'd remember that, but I remember being pregnant with Daisy, so it was a little bit awkward. And because I was pregnant with Daisy, I remember thinking that it might be the last time he would fall asleep on me. But it wasn't the last time. And hopefully this won't be the last time. But just in case it was, I savored every minute of his little arms wrapped around my neck, his sweet breath in my ear, and his chest rising and falling against mine. I tried not to notice how heavy he was, weighing against me, or how far his legs reached as they stretched out along mine. Will this boy really be a teenager one day? I can't even imagine...

And then he was sound asleep and Daisy was awake, so I took him up to his room and laid him in his bed. Then I turned around and lifted Miss Daisy out of her crib and began my quality time with her for the day.

This girl. I don't know if it's the fact that she's a second child, or if it's just her temperament, but she entertains herself so well!

She sat and played contentedly like this for at least thirty minutes.

I think she knows what a good girl she is.

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