November 16

We had a fun - and busy - day today.

We started the morning with some dancing. Caleb really likes to watch music videos on YouTube. Normally he sits on the stool and watches them, but every time he sees this video of James Taylor and Carly Simon singing "Mockingbird", he asks to get down so he can dance. This is what it looks like:

Yep. He's in his underwear. We're working on the potty training thing with a bit more seriousness. He was in undies most of the day, but he had four accidents. Oops. He's learning, though. My big boy!

What, you can't get enough of the adorable-ness of my little boy dancing in his undies? Is it making you think of Tom Cruise in Risky Business?  You're just dying to see Caleb's moves in action?


 Later, we made a trip to the police station. Don't worry; Chris wasn't in the slammer again. ;) It was a field trip with my MOPS group. Caleb had a lot of fun, and even asked a question the police officer who was leading the tour. (We were outside, looking at her squad car, and he noticed an odd looking-tower. He said, "What's dat?" Turns out it was just a cell phone tower.)

Both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home and took nice, long naps for me. Daisy always perks up after a long nap.
When Daisy went down for her late-afternoon catnap, Caleb and I stole the opportunity to run around outside in the almost-dark. While we were playing, our neighbors Drew and Melanie stopped to chat. Then Chad from across the street came out to say hi. Moments later, his son Xander, who is in first grade, came out with a big box. He came up to me and said, "Um, I was thinking that maybe Caleb would like to have this."

It was a box with 20+ matchbox cars from the move Cars. It is impossible to find these now because the stores are full of cars from Cars 2. I know because I've been looking, because Caleb is obsessed.

I could not think of a better, more appropriate gift for Caleb. The fact that it came from a big boy he idolizes made it even more special. How sweet!

Caleb spent the next hour poring over his new treasures.

Our friends Chris and Amber came over for dinner, and Chris won Caleb's heart by telling him important details about each car.

Now it's 9:30 and Caleb is just going to bed. Oops. But it was a fun day, and we have another busy one tomorrow!

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