November 1

Book Club meets tonight, so I'm writing today's post while my little darlings nap.

Caleb woke cheerfully this morning; apparently it will not kill a child to have candy, and candy alone, for dinner one night. Who knew?

He was feeling particularly snuggly and funny this morning. Caleb has decided a few things:
1. Snow shovel = guitar
2. Guitars say "Close your eyes". Not kidding. Ask him what sound a guitar makes, and that is his response.

Here, Caleb is singing and playing the "guitar". He is actually singing "You Can Close Your Eyes" as he squeezes his eyes shut and spins in circles while strumming the snow shovel. I am not making this up.

He's pretty spectacular. Also spectacular? This morning, we were prepping dinner while Daisy napped. We had just used up all of our fennel seed, and Caleb was playing with the empty jar. First he said, "Alabaster!" I chuckled a little bit, thinking it was funny that my child is so steeped in Bible stories that he automatically associates a glass jar with alabaster. Then he said, "But here's the catch. The jars didn't have lids or stoppers or anything."

And then my jaw hit the floor.

It was a direct quote from his Bible stories book; specifically, from the story where Mary annoints Jesus' feet with perfume. I haven't read him that story recently, and I don't think Chris has, either. Caleb just remembered it. This kid is insane. (Also, his Bible stories book is awesome. It was a gift from our friends Michael and Amber, who know more than a little bit about the Bible and about children. If you're looking for a book of Bible stories for kids, I highly recommend it.)

Then Daisy woke up. This girl is growing and moving and pretty awesome. 
OK, so here she's on the verge of screaming. But still. I'm seeing more and more of this lately - the girl is now an expert roller, and she loves to be on her tummy now.

Yes, I'm talking about you!

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