November 29

Everyone in the house (including the cat) is sleeping right now, except for me. The kiddos are down for the night, and my poor husband came home from work feeling really sick. He's been sleeping for three hours now, and I really hope he can shake off whatever it is he has, without passing it on to the rest of the family.

Last night was book club, so Chris was in charge of the kids and I got home late. After writing yesterday's blog post, I headed upstairs to go to bed... and found this:
This is not our normal sleeping arrangement, but it was quite possibly the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. So I snuck back downstairs, grabbed the camera, played with the lights to get as much light as possible without waking either of my (sound asleep) loved ones, and snapped the picture. They both stayed asleep, and I climbed in bed to join the snuggling.

Today, Caleb and Daisy played with some Cardinals Santa hats that one of Chris' co-workers gave them. 
How cool is that?

I wish you could see their faces.
Daisy LOVES these hats. She doesn't care about wearing one, but as soon as she sees one on someone else, she starts grinning and trying to kiss/eat the white fur. It's really sweet.

Also sweet? 
Daisy's outfit today.
She rocked the layered look, including BabyLegs as legwarmers over her jeggings and striped socks. This girl is a fashionista!

I kind of like her.

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