November 6

Somehow I only managed to take pictures at breakfast today:
It may not look like much, but it was really funny. We had Neil Young's "Old Man" playing on the stereo, and Chris was bopping his head to the beat. Then he looked over to see that Caleb was (very seriously) bopping his head, too. It was just one of those funny and heartwarming moments that make it easier to deal with the tantrums. (Can I get an "Amen"?)

Then I set down my camera and didn't pick it up again all day. At dinnertime, I realized this and asked Chris to take a few photos for me while I worked at organizing the kids' outgrown clothes. His results?

Happy Daisy.
(Daylight Savings time + basement = dark, noisy photos. Sorry.)

Sitting Daisy.
(Don't you love her great posture?)

Sitting Caleb.
(He may have been pooping here. TMI?)

Now, to finish organizing the clothes.
(BTW - our family photos from yesterday are up on Facebook, but I don't have the files yet to share them with you. They're great, though Caleb and Daisy look a bit suspicious of the strange lady behind the camera...)

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