November 24

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Really, every year we've had so much to be thankful for. God is so good to us, and we are so thankful for all of the blessings He continually bestows upon us.

But. I'm exhausted. We hosted Thanksgiving dinner here, so the day involved baking and cooking and cleaning and prepping and table setting and hosting and eating and rearranging and cleaning and nursing nursing nursing. So while we have lots of great photos from today, I'm only taking the time to edit a few tonight. I'm sure you understand.

Caleb helped me bake the pies. Don't worry; his sippy cup full of water didn't go in the pecan pie. Also, every time I saw him put his finger in his nose or in his mouth (or, *shudder* in his nose and then in his mouth) I made him get down off his chair and go wash his hands, even though he wasn't actually touching the food.

Caleb's favorite part was eating the leftover pie crust. Before we baked it, he ate big chunks of it. After we cut out hearts and coated them in cinnamon and sugar, he was even happier.

Daisy did a great job at her first Thanksgiving. She had turkey, loved the mashed potatoes, and even enjoyed some cranberry sauce! She also really enjoyed all of the attention from her grandparents.

What a good day! Now to help my husband (who has been washing dishes for nearly an hour and a half) dry dishes and put them away.

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