December 16

When Caleb was a toddler, one of his favorite books was Duck in the Truck, by Jez Alborough. Now it is one of Eli's favorites, and it is such a sweet thing to watch Caleb read his old favorite to his baby brother.

Also, the way Eli is holding his stuffed duck, Pillow? So sweet.

Yesterday was MOPS, and I wore my DIY wrap conversion pouch sling as a scarf/baby carrier. It is Eli's new favorite, and anytime I wear it he demands to be up.

It was cold today, so we had a fire in the fireplace. The kids were thrilled, but Caleb was definitely a little nervous at first!

Please note that both of my daughters are wearing summer dresses. I have no idea why.

Then this happened.

This little girl is ridiculous!

Eli rode on my back while I made dinner tonight. Isn't he adorable?

I love when he is happy on my back!

At bedtime, Chris read to the kids in Eli's room. I heard giggles and came running to find all four of them doing the motions to the Eric Carle book From Head to Toe.

It was so funny!

Also, all of the cool kids are doing their Top 9 Pictures on Instagram, so this is mine. I think it's a pretty fair representation of life right now!

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