March 8

Aside from taking Daisy to and from preschool, today was a perfectly quiet day at home. We played, did school, and did what we normally do. I just remembered to get my camera out this time.

After Daisy was at school and Eli was down for his morning nap, I got out a big roll of paper for Lily to put stickers on. She had been messing with Caleb's beloved Lego Star Wars sticker book, and I wanted to give her something else to do. 

Oh my goodness. Doesn't she just kill you with her cuteness?
(Yes, she is wearing a skeleton pajama shirt I got at Goodwill and a pair of tights, with nothing else. She had on a skirt for a while, but I guess she got tired of it? I am thoroughly entertained by all of Lily's wardrobe choices these days.)

She put a sticker on her nose, and thought it was really funny.

And if one sticker is funny, then four are obviously even funnier! This went on for a while.

Caleb loved the big paper, too, so I rolled out a piece for him and he alternated applying stickers and practicing his spelling words on the big paper.
This is a part of homeschooling that fills my heart with joy. I  love it.

 Then Caleb started getting creative with his letters and tried to make his words look like what they meant. See how the letters of "pie" (which is really a much too easy word for him, but whatever) are people who want to eat a piece of pie?

 And "morning" has the sun rising behind it? I don't often see that level of creativity with Caleb, and I was thrilled and relieved to watch him run with his idea today. It was a pretty cool moment.
Then he did this: 
It's terrifying, isn't it? Daisy got a sticker book for Christmas that has blank faces, and she can apply the eyes, lips, nose, jewelry, etc. however she likes. Caleb decided this was a good idea.

And then Eli woke up, so I sent Lily in to "wake him up". She took off running to his room, and when I came in a minute later, I saw this: 
Lily knows how to turn on the light, turn off the noise machine, and climb into Eli's crib to keep him company. I love it, and so does he!

Except when he's ready to be out and I'm too busy taking pictures. That makes Eli pretty grumpy.

After this, we went to the library to get some more Magic Treehouse books for Caleb, and then we picked Daisy up from school and began the cycle that is lunch, naps, and squeezing in whatever school we can before it is time to make dinner.  Home schooling would be so much easier if I had no other responsibilities! Or, being a mom would be so much easier if I had a cook and a maid and a tutor. 
Hired help. I need hired help.

1 comment:

  1. yes she is adorable! my new screen saver..
    That is really imaginative of Caleb! Looks fun!
