March 14

Two exciting things happened today:
Pi Day
and Caleb's first baseball practice.

Since we live the homeschool life, I decided to take Pi Day seriously. Caleb and I discussed pi, then we made a pie. That counts, right? I think it counts double since the pie had the pi symbol on it.


The pie was waiting for us after dinner. Before dinner, baseball practice! It has been gray and rainy lately, but somehow we lucked out with beautiful weather for Caleb's first practice. Practice was from 4:30-6:00, which does not work well for my family that usually naps until 4 or 4:30, and eats dinner at 5:00. We will make it work though.

It has been rainy and gray lately, but we lucked out with a lovely day for practice! I loaded all the kids in the van, and we drove off. Given Caleb's personality, I was worried that it would take some coaxing to get him to participate. I was dead wrong. Caleb ran right onto the practice field and got started. 

Sure, he was a little bit goofy: he wore his glove on his head for one drill, and I don't know what he's doing during the stretching exercise above. But overall, it was a great first practice, and he reported that he had a lot of fun.

Chris arrived halfway through practice, so the little ones and I moved to the playground.

Eli tried to escape. He was desperate to see Daddy.

I was so annoyed that I forgot my big camera, but hey - I remembered all four kids, Caleb's hat, gloves, cleats, and I remembered to put dinner in the crock pot. I call that a win.

And we had pie waiting for us at home. 

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