March 4

It has been a busy couple days here, and, if I'm being completely honest, a dark few days here. My body seems to still be working to regulate my hormone levels, and I have felt the Angry Mom rage creeping back in the past few days. It is strange and scary to find myself reacting to situations in ways that my brain knows are neither kind nor helpful, but somehow I can't stop myself.
Luckily, my children are forgiving.
Luckily, it passes quickly. Two or three days of terribleness, and then I am myself again.
But I'm pretty sure I need to plot the days on a calendar, so that next month I will be prepared for it, and not caught off-guard. Perhaps if I am aware, I can take steps to prevent Angry Mom from exploding all over my sweet children.

But it seems to be mostly over now. Today didn't involve much school, but we had fun with friends. Chris made oatmeal for the kids this morning, and as I was preparing my breakfast, I set Eli in his chair with his bowl of oatmeal just out of reach.

Or so I thought.

After pouring my coffee, I turned around to find Eli doing this:
Somehow, he had reached his little bowl of oatmeal, flung the spoon to the ground, and dug in.
The kid was so proud of himself, and he knew he was being hilarious/naughty.

Oh, my goodness. This little boy is so funny.

I didn't even mind the mess. The bigger kids were all right there, and they thought it was so funny that Eli was helping himself to oatmeal.

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