March 16

Oh my goodness, you guys. I am a week behind on the blog, and I am so sorry. I know you are worrying about me, but it's really okay. Chris and I went to New Orleans for three days for a wedding, and I've been overwhelmed trying to catch up with everything. Also, I've been bad about picking up my big camera lately, so most of my pictures are crappy iPhone shots. It's funny; I look at photography stuff online and feel so inspired and excited to try things to get better, but then the reality of life sets in and it just doesn't happen. I need to work on that.

But we are here, and we are alive. Wednesday is always our busy day: Swim and Fitness class, then Speech Club, then Caleb's special time with Grandmother. Today I tried to drop Eli and the girls off in childcare during the "fitness" portion of Swim and Fitness class; the girls went willingly, but Eli was having none of it. I decided to make the best of things, and grabbed the Ergo out of my van. I buckled Eli in and we walked laps around the indoor track.
It worked surprisingly well:
I got to watch Caleb play his games (spoiler: he barely participates)
Eli fell asleep after 15 minutes of walking, and got a 20-minute nap
I got a workout, even if it wasn't super-strenuous
The girls had fun in childcare.


Then lunch in the van, speech, naps, Caleb went off... somehow, though, the little ones didn't take very good naps and all woke up before Gayle returned with Caleb. We made the best of it by snuggling on the couch and reading. 
Eli loves being included in reading time! He is still working on his book etiquette, though.

The upside was that the kids all got to see Gayle when she brought Caleb home. Lily was thrilled, and immediately handed her a book and demanded, "READ."

Gayle couldn't deny her! 
Then I took way too many pictures of it. Sorry/not sorry.
Cell phone. I love how Lily is so focused on what Gayle is reading. Also, I love Lily's outfit. Let's pause to point out the details:
long-sleeved skeleton shirt
pink and orange plaid summer dress
red, pink, and silver striped pants
purple, pink, turquoise and white striped socks
fancy pink dress shoes that are a size too big

That girl is something.

It was such a sweet moment that I took a video of it. Lily and I had already read this book (The Red Sled) three times, so she had definite ideas of how Grandmother should read it. The video is three minutes long, but I love it.

Meanwhile, Eli made mischief on the couch.

Then I realized that the moment was too sweet to document only with my iPhone, so I grabbed my big camera. These are SOOC, because I am too lazy to edit them. Again, sorry/not sorry.
Caleb has a runny nose, hence the ever-present tissue. I love that he and Gayle can share the chair.

They were reading a lift-the-flap book. I love Eli's inquisitive little head in the bottom left corner.

Then Daisy woke up and joined in the reading fun. I love this little bunch! 

Wait. Where's Eli? 
Found him.
Hi, Eli!

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