March 28

Today started really poorly. I woke up with a pounding migraine, and could barely find the energy to tend to the children. Every noise they made pierced my brain, and I found myself contemplating drilling a hole in my skull and scooping my brains out.
I hadn't even been awake for two hours when I threw up.
Though I have never before had migraine-related nausea, I am 100% confident that was what happened today. In the end, I'm glad it happened because it gave me the motivation to call Chris. Without missing a beat, he told me he would wrap things up and come home, even though it was only 9:30 am. What a good man I have.

He arrived home to find Eli napping, the three big kids watching Sid the Science kid in our big bed, and me sound asleep next to them. I slept all morning, and didn't get out of bed until well past lunchtime. Chris handled everything, even taking Caleb out on training run #2 for our 5k. 

This was right after I got up, around 2pm. Yes, Eli is still in his jammies. Guess who cares? Not me.

Eli loves playing with these blocks! They're a combination of sturdy cardboard nesting boxes, and soft fabric blocks. Usually, his favorite game is knocking over towers of blocks. But today, he did something new.

He built his own tower! It was the first time I've ever seen Eli build a block tower on his own, without any prompting.

Bonus: knocking over the tower he just built. Can you tell how happy he is?

I laid on the couch for a while while Chris did some school with Caleb. Daisy decided today was the day she was going to stop taking naps, so she was up, too. She noticed that I wasn't feeling well, and when I told her that my head hurt, she ran to the freezer for an ice pack. She found a cloth napkin, wrapped the ice pack, and placed it on my head. She knew just what to do, and she was so happy and proud to be able to help me. That girl is a spitfire, but she is something special.

By 4:00 my head was feeling better. Chris took Caleb to baseball practice, while I stayed home and fed the little ones dinner. The boys ate when they got back, and then I brought out something we didn't get around to doing yesterday: their Easter baskets from us. 

I didn't even photograph them, because they weren't anything special. I was intentionally low-key about them this year, so they contained sidewalk chalk, bubbles, some pencils, and socks. Plus, the older three each got kites, and Eli got a ball. They were all very happy with their bounty, and immediately wanted to go outside to blow bubbles.

Eli loved the bubbles.
LOVED them.
(also, look at those teeth. Can you believe he is 14 months old today, and still only has two teeth? I think one or two are getting ready to come through up top, but nothing is imminent.)

I love that so-happy-it's-ugly face. Daisy made that face a lot when she was a baby.

Speaking of Daisy... 
Isn't she sweet?

She's really good at blowing bubbles now.

This guy is pretty good at bubble-blowing, too.

He enjoyed taking this photo. 
I didn't enjoy having my lens splattered with bubble juice.

Meanwhile, Daisy was doing this. 
She is seriously funny.

This photo cracks me up.

I bought Lily a spill-proof bubble jar, and she was happy to be able to participate.

Her wand didn't work quite as well as the big kids' wands. I wonder why.

My crazies. I love this.
(Yes, it is nearly bedtime, and Eli is still wearing his jammies from the night before. No, I still don't care. Yes, we did put clean jammies on him before bed.)

He found a piece of chalk and immediately began writing on the ground with it.

Hi, happy boy! I can't believe you are 14 months old!

Oh! No, no, Eli. We don't eat chalk!

What? (looking at Daddy)
I'm not eating chalk. I'm writing with it!
This kid is something else.

1 comment:

  1. How cute! The whole day! I am so sorry you felt so awful. Thank God Chris came to rescue :)

    Love you guys!
